wabah kolera haiti bahasa Inggris
- wabah: epidemy; murrain; epidemic; plague; pestis;
- kolera: cholera; epidemic cholera; asiatic cholera;
- haiti: republic of haiti; haiti; haitian creole; hayti;
- wabah kolera zimbabwe 2008: 2008 zimbabwean cholera outbreak
- wabah kolera sierra leone 2012: 2012 sierra leonean cholera outbreak
- wabah kolera yaman 2016–2017: 2016–2021 yemen cholera outbreak
- kolera: cholera; epidemic cholera; asiatic cholera; indian cholera
- wabah: epidemy; murrain; epidemic; plague; pestis; disaster; disease; pest; scourge; pestilence
- kolera unggas: fowl cholera
- vaksin kolera: cholera vaccine
- haiti: republic of haiti; haiti; haitian creole; hayti; greater antilles; hispaniola; haitian
- pandemi kolera 1817–1824: 1817–1824 cholera pandemic
- pandemik kolera 1817–1824: 1817–1824 cholera pandemic
- berbahaya (wabah): pestilential
- terserang wabah: plague striken